January 2019

Beware, the Speculation and Vacancy Tax is here

Posted on Jan 21, 2019


Now that the title grabbed your attention I want to remind you that all homeowners in B.C.’s largest urban centres (which include municipalities within Metro Vancouver) will need to apply for exemptions from the province’s new speculation tax or they will need to pay the tax, regardless if they are speculators or not.

Yes, you read correctly: if ho...

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Making a Plan for 2019

Posted on Jan 16, 2019


“Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment, of these, if you but remain true to them your world will at last be built.” 

                                                                                                                                             James Allen

2019 is s...

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